General Ministry

General Ministry Program


The purpose of the General Ministry program is to train and prepare learners for a life of commitment to Christ and lasting service to the kingdom of God by offering an inter-disciplinary selection of ministry and theological studies, with special focus given to the Bible as the infallible guide for faith and practice.


The General Ministry Program is designed for learners who desire to develop a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ through a study of Scripture and ministry service. Students in this program gain a broad understanding of the Bible and its authority combined with a study of contemporary ministry expression. This program provides a foundational education for service and leadership in the church combined with the practical application of theology through the study of ministry duties and opportunities.

General Ministry Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the General Ministry program graduates will be able to:

  1. Formulate a Oneness Pentecostal theological framework to guide the fulfillment of ministerial duties.
  2. Articulate a rationale for Christian ministry that incorporates calling and preparation.
  3. Demonstrate development in one or more of the following skills in ministry functions: preaching, teaching, leadership, evangelism, media production, musical worship, and interpreting.
Graduation Plan / Course Sequence

Concentration Tracts

While the General Ministry program offers a complete stand-alone degree, learners may also select a concentration tract. Concentration courses provide instruction and training for preparation for a specialized ministry. The General Ministry concentration tracts are:

  • Christian Music
  • Missiology
  • Creative Media Production
  • Leadership
  • Deaf Ministry

Christian Music Concentration


The CLC Music Ministry concentration trains students to play skillfully on their instrument, sing on pitch with persuasive interpretation, lead congregations in worship, teach vocal parts to vocal groups, work effectively with pastoral and other ministry staff in a local church.


The Christian Music Concentration is designed for the learner who desires to draw closer to Jesus Christ in a personal relationship through the ministry of music. This tract is designed for students who seek to define a theology for worship and music in the contemporary church and who desire to investigate various music ministry opportunities.

Christian Music Concentration Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Christian Music Concentration tract graduates will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the knowledge of the aural and written skills associated with the grammar of music, including notation, chord progressions, part-writing, and melody harmonization.
  2. Execute functional skills of at least one musical instrument as demonstrated through a developed technical skill, artistic interpretation, listening skills, good quality of tone, and the ability to perform jointly with other musical instruments.
  3. Demonstrate leadership ability to the music ministry by situational analysis and providing recommendations for the growth and development of individuals and groups, and to work with a church staff.
Graduation Plan / Course Sequence

Missiology Concentration


The Missiology concentration equips students for the practical expression of local and global missional service with instruction pertaining to the contextualization of the gospel for diverse cultures and settings and to identify the role of the church in the fulfillment of Christian mission.


The Missiology Concentration is designed for the learner who desires to draw closer to Jesus Christ in a personal relationship through the expression of missional service. This tract is designed for students who seek to define a theology for missions and evangelism in the contemporary church, who wish to identify and develop a passion for evangelism and outreach, who desire to acquire the skills for active ministry in the field of Missions, and who desires to investigate various evangelistic and mercy ministry opportunities.

Missiology Concentration Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Missiology Concentration tract graduates will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to create strategic missiological tactics based upon ethnographic research.
  2. Articulate and defend a biblical rationale for the missional role of the church.
Graduation Plan / Course Sequence

Creative Media Production Concentration


The Creative Media Production concentration equips and trains students in the practical application of media production for professional and ministerial purposes.


The Creative Media Production concentration is designed to nurture students who desire to draw closer to Jesus Christ through the ministry of contemporary media creation. The concentration prepares students to become trained multimedia storytellers and learn how to create and distribute content across multiple media platforms. Theory and practice are integrated at every step as students work with digital media tools, including video, digital photo, graphic design, audio, and various software editing and publishing packages.

Creative Media Production Concentration Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Creative Media Production Concentration tract graduates will be able to:

  1. Develop a Christian understanding of communication, expression, and storytelling in a media, organizational, interpersonal, and social context.
  2. Demonstrate a practical knowledge of professional software for video editing, photo editing, audio production and editing, and basic graphic design.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to apply production techniques to the process of creating projects in a variety of contemporary media formats.
Graduation Plan / Course Sequence

Leadership Concentration


The Leadership concentration equips learners with a foundational knowledge of the principles of Christian leadership so they will be able to recognize, answer, and fulfill the call to leadership with instruction based upon scriptural precedence and the study of practical leadership expression.


The Leadership Concentration is designed for learners who desire to draw closer to Jesus Christ in a personal relationship as they embrace their calling to serve as leaders in His kingdom. This tract is designed for students who seek to understand the dynamics of effective leadership, who seek to define a theology for leadership, and who wish to identify and develop their calling to Christian ministry service.

Leadership Concentration Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Leadership Concentration tract graduates will be able to:

  1. Identify and describe the essential characteristics of effective ministry leadership.
  2. Analyze and interact with cultural and organizational dynamics to guide the implementation of visionary strategies in ministry.
Graduation Plan / Course Sequence

Deaf Ministry Concentration


Christian Life College views the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community as a distinct people and language group. The purpose of the Deaf Ministry concentration is to equip students to be effective in church ministry to the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for ministry by developing their communication skills in American Sign Language and interpreting skills, particularly within ministry contexts in a manner that demonstrates respect for Deaf culture and language.


Under the leadership of Dale Delp, the Deaf Ministry Concentration offers courses that introduce students to ministry contexts geared towards the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing community. Apart from standard courses in ASL, students will also be required to participate in ministry practicums designed to expose them to leaders with the Deaf ministry community in the Apostolic movement along with members of the Deaf community around Stockton, CA. Students who progress to upper-division courses will have the opportunity to extensively practice what they have learned within authentic ministry settings. The final capstone course of this concentration is designed to provide students with hands-on training experience with Dale Delp and other respected members of the Deaf ministry community.

Deaf Ministry Concentration Learning Outcomes

In addition to the General Ministry Program Learning Outcomes, upon completion of the Deaf Ministry Concentration tract, graduates will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate intermediate knowledge in vocabulary, grammar, and syntax required to participate in conversational American Sign Language.
  2. Demonstrate intermediate proficiency in interpreting English to American Sign Language in ministerial contexts.
Graduation Plan / Course Sequence

Potential Careers and Job Opportunities

The purpose of the General Ministry program is to equip students for lasting service to the kingdom of God by offering an inter-disciplinary selection of ministry and theological studies. The types of ministries and careers our degrees lead to will vary upon individual choice. Below are some suggested career objectives for General Ministry degree:

  • Pastor or Associate Pastor
  • Church Administration
  • Church Leadership
  • Age Group Ministries (Children, Youth, Young Adult, etc.)
  • Music Ministry
  • Missions Work (Local and Global)
  • Media Ministry
  • Christian Education

Learners who successfully complete the General Ministry program will be prepared to continue their education at the graduate level in a corresponding field of study.