Reading and Writing Center
Reading and Writing Center is a campus resource for Christian Life College students with the primary purpose of providing academic help in reading and writing. The center will guide students in reading comprehension and give applicable feedback to students on all stages of the writing process for construction and correction.
Tutor Center Hours
Monday & Thursday: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.; 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Tuesday: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Having trouble getting started with an assignment? Need help making sure you have Chicago, MLA, or APA citations? Work with a tutor at the Reading and Writing Center (RWC) in the Hogue Library!
FAQThe RWC features 30-minute appointments in which students will work with a tutor. Online proofreading submission is offered as well. Assignments should be sent to For assignments to be accepted and edited, please allow our tutors a 48 hour review time.
What kind of help do you offer?
We offer assistance in reading and writing. Math, Greek/Hebrew, and music tutoring are by special appointment. Feel free to also sign up for sessions to receive help in resume writing.
Can I bring my draft to the RWC an hour before it’s due and get help?
Yes, you can. However, keep in mind that reading and re-writing takes time! Students are encouraged to make an appointment as soon as they realize feedback may be needed.
MLA style is most commonly used to cite sources within the language arts, cultural studies, and other humanities disciplines.
General Format of Your MLA Paper:
- Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
- Double-space the text of your paper and use a legible font (e.g. Times New Roman).
- The font size should be 12 pt.
- Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks.
- Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides.
- Indent the first line of each paragraph one half-inch from the left margin. Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin.
- Use italics throughout your essay to indicate the titles of longer works and, only when absolutely necessary, provide emphasis.
- If you have any endnotes, include them on a separate page before the Works Cited page.
APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences.
General Format of Your APA Paper:
- Use white paper, 8 1/2 x 11 inches.
- Margins: 1-inch
- Text Formatting: – Font: Times New Roman – Size: 12 points
- Double-space the entire paper
- Heading: Include a header on the top of every page. In the header, you should have a page number (align right) and a short version of your paper’s title, in uppercase, align left.
- Major Sections: Your paper should have 4 major sections: – Title page – Abstract page – Main body – References
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) is most commonly used by those working in literature, history, religion, and the arts.
General CMOS Guidelines
- Text should be consistently double-spaced, except for block quotations, notes, bibliography entries, table titles, and figure captions.
- Page numbers begin in the header of the first page of text with Arabic number 1.
- Subheadings should be used for longer papers.
- CMOS recommends you devise your own format but use consistency as your guide.
- Use the following guidelines should your instructor or context require a title page:
- The title should be centered a third of the way down the page.
- Your name and class information should follow several lines later.
- For subtitles, end the title line with a colon and place the subtitle on the line below the title.
- For block quotations:
- A prose quotation of five or more lines, or more than 100 words, should be blocked.
- A blocked quotation does not get enclosed in quotation marks.
- A blocked quotation must always begin a new line.
- Blocked quotations should be indented.
- Citation style requires both in-text citations and a reference list (i.e. bibliography). For every in-text citation, there should be a full citation in the reference list.
Online Citation Generators:
The Hogue Library offers many helpful resources such as commentaries and books, as well as access to thousands of online articles through the EBSCO database.
- EBSCO – We currently have the Religion and Philosophy Collection as well as the Academic Search Elite databases in EBSCO. Academic Search Elite provides full text for more than 2,100 journals, including more than 1,700 peer-reviewed titles. In addition to the full text, indexing and abstracts are provided for over 3,650 journals.
- Grammarly – CLC students have access to a free premium subscription for Grammarly. This is a beneficial grammar and plagiarism checker which can be a useful tool in creating scholarly papers.
Writing a Research Paper
Online Library Resources