Doctrinal Statement

Doctrinal Statement

The school is founded on the following Basic Doctrine:

  1. In the divine inspiration of all Scripture as the inerrant, infallible Word of God.
  2. The Godhead – That there is one God and that God is a spirit and a spirit hath not flesh and bones. That God in His fatherhood as a spirit was manifested in various theophanies, such as a man or the angel of the Lord, etc. See scriptures Genesis 18:1. In the fulness of time, God took upon Him the form of a man in the person of Jesus Christ, that Jesus was the Son of God by conception, but the one and only GOD being manifested in the flesh. 1 Timothy 3:16; Jude v. 25.
  3. New Birth – That to be born again and in the Bride of Christ, one must be born of water and spirit which consists of repentance, water baptism in Jesus’ name and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues according to John 3:5, Acts 2:38. Water Baptism is by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38).
  4. In the necessity of the holy life unspotted by the world, exemplified by the believer’s action, word, and deed.
  5. The Coming of the Lord – The two phases of the Lord’s coming shall be taught. First the Lord shall descend from Heaven and the saints shall meet him in the air – I Thess. 4:13-18 and go to be with Him until the seven years of tribulation are fulfilled which is the 70th week of Daniel and at the end of the tribulation the saints will return to earth with the Lord to set up His millennial kingdom.
  6. In the free moral willpower of man who can apostatize, backslide, and be lost.
  7. In the need of a determined effort to preach this Gospel to the whole world.