Coronavirus Information and Updates
August 6, 2020: Letter from President Eli Lopez
August 4, 2020: Fall 2020 Campus Operating Plan
Christian Life College Student Body:
As you look forward to the return of Christian Life College Student Life, we would like to make you aware of some regulations we are implementing this Fall. These regulations are the best viable option to keeping the campus open and functional, but most importantly, maintaining the safety of every individual student.
We have outlined the guidelines for re-opening below.
Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these protocols, as you will be expected to follow every regulation listed. Failure to comply, will result in the immediate removal of the student as a safety precaution to everyone involved in the CLC student life community. For the time being, this will be the new normal.
We know there will be a lot more questions and concerns, and we will do our best to answer these as they come up. As we have already learned, things change quickly, and we anticipate your flexibility to adjust to the present circumstances.
Thank you for helping us create a safe campus environment during these challenging times.
View and download the full General Safety Protocols below:
July 21, 2020: Announcement for Fall Semester
CLC Family:
The Board of Directors of Christian Life College has decided to move forward with our plans to fully re-open for the fall semester. Doing so requires us to enact strict safety protocols for the entire campus. All students who will join the campus community are required to abide by these protocols, which will be in force for the entire semester. Students who do not abide by the safety protocols will lose their privilege to be members of the campus community.
For those students who cannot attend classes in person, all of our course content will be made available through online delivery. This remote instruction plan will operate concurrently with the in-person instruction, meaning all of our courses will incorporate a hybrid model of instruction for the entire fall semester.
Due to the very fluid nature of our situation, our plans are subject to change. This may be caused by governmental order or other factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please be in prayer for the Lord to guide the Board of Directors, and for the college administration to act in wisdom and be in alignment with God’s will in this unique and challenging time.
President Eli Lopez
March 30, 2020: CLC Coronavirus Action Plan
On Thursday, March 19, Governor Newsom issued a shelter-in-place order for the state of California. Since this order was issued during the first week of our spring break, the effects to our operations have been limited. However, with the impending resumption of academic activities on Monday, April 6, the following guidelines are being put in place to be in compliance with the order.
- Campus housing will remain open to accommodate students for whom other housing options are not viable. Dining services will be serving two meals per day for the students who remain on campus. Meals will be provided via takeout boxes only and will be served during a modified schedule that will align with regular weekend meal service times.
- All classes will be offered through remote instruction for the remainder of the semester. Instructors will communicate with their students regarding all course content: lectures, reading, assignments, exams, etc.
- Should any on-campus students present symptoms of COVID-19 at any time, they are to promptly notify the Dean of Students/Campus Pastor and immediately seek medical care. Students, staff, or faculty who become sick should be prepared to go their permanent residence, make arrangements to be away from the campus community, and/or make other arrangements for isolation and/or self-quarantine. This responsibility falls on the student and not the college.
- Chapel services, association meetings, and other student life activities will be conducted online.
- The Student Senate will be posting a weekly student life update and devotional message.
- Association presidents are responsible to conduct virtual meetings for their members.
- Chapel services will be recorded each Wednesday and posted to the college’s social media platforms.
- This year’s symposium, hosted by the Business Administration program, will be live-streamed and will still feature student and faculty presenters.
- Student services such as the Learning Resource Center, the bookstore, and the front office are accessible through online requests or by phone call. Additional research and writing support resources, including EBSCOhost, can be found at
- The deadline for on-campus students to remove all items from their dorms is Friday, May 15 (one week after the close of the semester).
- In order to honor all of our graduates who have worked so hard to complete their studies, our 2020 Commencement Ceremony is rescheduled for 2:00 PM on Saturday, August 1.
School bill payments should be paid via SONIS or through the college website: Students who fall behind must communicate with the Financial Department to avoid being locked out of Canvas.
This plan is subject to further modification as the situation with COVID-19 in our community may warrant further actions on the part of the college. Federal, state, county, and local government health recommendations and mandates will govern any modifications to this plan.
March 14, 2020: Message From President Lopez
Please continue to monitor developments through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and take all appropriate preventative measures.
Christian Life College will continue to provide updates as more information is available and governmental agencies make on-going recommendations on COVID-19.